Pillar3 Design

About Pillar3 Design

Pillar 3 thinks you have a right to good design. It’s more than form follows function. It’s about telling your story; shaping your place. The places where you’ll work, play, cook, eat, create, connect, worship, teach, learn, love, grow, share. Where you live and earn your living. All that and more.
We’re trained as architects, so we understand the power of space, planning, a solid, well thought out design, and drawings that clearly communicate your intent to the trades.
And we’re entrepreneurs ourselves, so we never lose sight of how important your brand is. We make sure that the environments we create with and for you express the message and culture that you have worked so hard to build.
Yes, we’ll design it to be functional and beautiful. But mostly, we’ll design it to be yours.

Shari mullen, march

Principal, Pillar 3 Design Group, LLC

Shari has worked in the design field since 1998. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Architecture from the University of Kentucky. Shari is pursuing registration in the state of Kentucky.

Shari has a variety of commercial and residential design and project management experience. Architectural branding is an area of particular focus. Shari works closely with clients to develop environments that are an experiential expression of a company’s – or an individual’s – mission, culture and brand.
Shari is a licensed contractor in Fayette county, and can act as the General Contractor on residential projects. Her goal is to reduce stress on clients and help them navigate through the construction process, ensuring that the design intent is expressed in the final outcome.
In her free time, Shari likes hanging out with her husband and family, traveling, painting, gardening, cooking and eating.

Email – shari@pillar3.co